

This site hosts all of the SDSU AI club workshops for the fall semester

View the Project on GitHub HectorENevarez/AIClubWorkshopsFall20

General Information

Table of Contents

Workshop 1

Python Introduction

In this workshop we will be going over the basics of using python

Beginner Python tutorial summary:


Workshop 2

In this workshop we will be going over more advanced python concepts

Advanced Python tutorial summary:

Workshop 3 (Data Science 1)

Our goal with this 3 part workshop is to create a tool that can estimate software engineer salaries. The main purpose of this 3 part workshop is to develop and understand the different roles involved in a typical data science job.

Cleaning data

If you are interested in the scripts I used to collect the data Click Here but we won’t be going over that in this workshop

Let’s get started with the workshop!

This workshop is broken down into two parts

Resources Used

Code used in the workshop

Workshop 4 (Data Science 2)

This is the second part of our data science multi-week workshop. In this workshop we will be going over how to plot our data and analyze for our model building

Exploratory Data Analaysis

Resources Used

Let’s get Started with the workshop!

Code Used in this workshop

Workshop 5 (Data Science 3)

This is the third and final part to the data science multi-week project. In this workshop we will do create the train and test the models

Model Building

Resources used

Let’s get started with the workshop

Code Used in this workshop

Workshop 6 (Computer Vision 1)

This is the first part of a 4 week-long computer vision workshop. In this workshop we will go over the basics of using opencv for image processing.

Opencv basic tutorial

In this workshop we will be going over the basic functions of opencv

Resources used

Beginner opencv tutorial summary:


Code Used

Workshop 7 (Computer Vision 2)

This is the second part of the computer vision workshop. In this workshop we will expand our knowledge of OpenCV and work with real-time video. We will be creating an application that can track motion allow us to draw by using our webcam.

Resources Used

Code Used

AirDraw explained
AirDraw Code Complete

Workshop 8 (Computer Vision 3)

This is the third and final part of our computer vision workshops. In this workshop we will be learning about neural networks and creating a neural network that can be trained to recognize hand written numbers

Resources Used

Neural Network introduction


Code Used

MNIST model building

Workshop 9 (K means clustering)

In this workshop we will be going over unsupervised learning. We will then learn a clustering machine learning model and use it in order to cluster different types of shoppers in a mall.

Resources Used

Neural Network introduction


Code Used

Workshop 10 (Convolutional Neural Network)

In this workshop I will be introducing Convolutional Neural Networks. To do so we will first go over the theory of how a CNN is structured and after we will have a live coding session where we try and classify different types of objects using the Cifar-10 dataset.

Resources Used

Neural Network introduction


Code Used

Convolutional Neural Network applied to Cifar-10